This moving father-daughter tale revolves around the traditional Aomori lacquerware craft Tsugaru-nuri. Miyako is working aimlessly at a supermarket to help make ends meet. She is devoted to her father, a Tsugaru lacquerware craftsman. However, he, who succeeded her grandfather, has lost the will to continue the business as the industry goes into decline, and the family finds itself scattered. Her mother left the family because of the poor life and her elder brother, a hairdresser, chooses to live freely instead of taking over the family business. Miyako is unable to openly declare her desire to pursue a career in Tsugaru-nuri, but must ultimately confront her family and the art of lacquering. A heartfelt blend of traditional arts, family conflict and the issue of traditional gender roles.
(c) 2023「Tsugaru Lacquer Girl」film partners
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Screening Partner