Judo - "the Way of Gentleness" was founded by Dr. Jigoro Kano in 1882 to develop a martial art into a way of life and a sport based on overarching principles concerning the development of physical, mental, and moral culture.
The sport of Judo is practiced worldwide and is best known for its spectacular throwing techniques, specialized grappling techniques including controlled hold-downs, elbow joint-locks and choking submission techniques. The study of Kodokan Judo also includes kata - forms of throwing, grappling and self-defence techniques and principles.
Children, youth and adults can practice and enjoy the sport regardless of age or gender. Judo training can improve balance, flexibility, coordination, aerobic fitness and physical strength, with inherent improvement in self-confidence, concentration, and self-discipline. JCCC Judo Kai individual competitors have won gold medals at the Canada Winter Games, Canadian Open and Elite Invitational Judo Championships, and multiple medals representing Canada at international competitions, including 2020 Olympian Shady El Nahas: 3-time Pan American Champion, and multi-time medalist on the International Judo Federation World Tour. JCCC Judo Kai teams won the 2013 and 2014 Ontario Club Championships and have won provincial and national medals in kata competitions.
The JCCC Judo Kai was recognized as 2018 Club of the Year by Judo Ontario.
JCCC Judo Kai program instructors include:
Shane LeGros – Head Instructor, 5th Dan, Kodokan Certified, NCCP Level 2 Certified Dojo Instructor, National Kata Judge, 17 years Trained in Japan
Herman Vermeiren - 6th Dan, 2X World Masters Champion, PJC Masters Champion
Gerald Okimura - 6th Dan, IJF Continental Referee, NCCP Level 2 Certified Dojo Instructor, IJF Kata Judge
Instructors: 5th Dan: Dan Rusu, 3rd Dan: Darrell Sakauye, Russ Takashima, 2nd Dan: Andrew Jaimes, Ivan Chitov, Vladimir Chitov, Matthew Dales, Alex Pestov, 1st Dan: Huy Truong, John MacKenzie, Jennifer Haines, Don Nguyen.
Many of our instructors also have additional qualifications and experience which include: World and National Championships, NCCP, and IJF Coaching Certifications, National Referee Certifications, National Kata Judging Certifications, and international experience training and coaching.
The JCCC Judo Kai offers a full range of classes and training for recreational and competitive students of all ages throughout the week.
Minimum Age:7 for General/Randori and 15 for Joshi(Women's)
New students: Accepted at the beginning of a Series. (Beginners must attend a class within the first 2 weeks.)
Series Start: January, April, July and October
Registration Period: From the 1st to the 20th of December, March, June, and September
JCCC Judo Kai also requires mandatory Judo Ontario membership.
The series runs on a 13-week course. Attendance for beginners is essential within the first 2 weeks in order to establish fundamentals for the proceeding weeks.
To learn more about the program, you can review our handbook: JCCC Judo Kai Handbook