Due to the weather conditions, all daytime JCCC events/classes/library have been cancelled today.


The Cranes

In 2000, the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre created The Cranes: The National Tribute to Japanese Canadian Life. It is a powerful and permanent artistic installation in the Shokokai Court of the JCCC which pays tribute to the community.

The Cranes project is a way for the community to honour to those who sacrificed much to ensure a strong Japanese Canadian legacy for generations to come. This project acts as a bridge between generations, and allows all of us to remember our ancestors and pioneers.

The opportunity to memorialize and dedicate is still open. Each dedication costs $2,000 and full tax receipts will be issued.

To download the dedication form, please click here


Online Donation Instructions

Online payments are for full payment only. Please specify that your donation is for the Moriyama Nikkei Heritage Centre in the message section.

If you would like more information regarding payment by installments, please contact the JCCC.

Each inscription is limited to 42 characters including spaces and punctuation in English and/or Japanese. The JCCC reserves the right, at its discretion, to approve any wording. See the dedication form for a sample.

Make an online donation

Download the application form