You can contact Haruko for corporate & general rental inquiries via email or by phone (416.441.2345 ext 228).
From Highway 401
Take exit 275 to head south on the Don Valley Parkway. From there, exit on Wynford Dr. and make a right eastbound, then right on Sakura Way to arrive at the JCCC.
From Don Valley Parkway (DVP)
If heading northbound from Don Valley Parkway, exit on Eglinton Ave E and make a left, heading westbound. Make a right on Gervais Drive, right on Wynford Dr. and left on Sakura Way to arrive at the JCCC.
From Broadview subway station, you can take the 100A bus which stops near the Wynford and Sakura Way intersection.
From Eglinton subway stations, you can take the 34C bus which stops near the Wynford and Sakura Way intersection.
From Pape or the Don Mills subway stations, you can take the 25 bus and get off at the Don Mills and Wynford Dr. intersection. Then walk east on Wynford Dr., then north on Sakura Way to arrive at the JCCC.