Due to the weather conditions, all daytime JCCC events/classes/library have been cancelled today.


Plan Your Visit


Reception Hours 

Tuesday - Friday: 10am to 8pm
Saturday - Monday: 10am to 5pm
*Closed or short hours during holidays 

Building Hours (to public)

Monday - Sunday: 9:00am to 11:00pm
*Please note registered programs may operate outside of these hours.
*Closed or short hours during holidays 

Gallery & MNHC

Monday - Sunday: 10:00am to 7:00pm
*Closed or short hours during holidays 



By Car

From North:
Take HWY 401 East or West, or HWY 404 South to Don Valley Parkway South.
Go south on the D.V.P. to Wynford Drive exit.
Turn right on Wynford Dr, and turn right again on 6 Sakura Way (formerly Garamond Court)

From South:
Take Don Valley Parkway North to Eglinton Avenue East exit.
Turn left on Eglinton Avenue, and turn right on Gervais Drive.
Turn left on 6 Sakura Way (formerly Garamond Court).

By Transit

From Eglinton Station:
Take bus 34C. Get off at Wynford Drive @ "Garamond Court"

From Broadview Station:
Take bus 100A. Get off at Wynford Drive @ "Garamond Court"


We have free parking onsite for visitors. At the time of special events, parking spaces may be limited.

Other nearby paid parking lots include::

  • Aga Khan Museum at 77 Wynford Dr
  • Canpark Parking on Gevais Dr
  • 1 Medical Place at 20 Wynford Dr
  • PS Parking on Gervais Dr

Paid parking lots are administered by the independent companies. The JCCC is not responsible for any fees, tickets or damages incurred by using these lots.