Winner of the Audience Award and Best Director at the 36th Tokyo International Film Festival. This multilayered drama, based on Ryo Asai’s award-winning novel, challenges societal taboos in a tale of the intertwined fates of 5 people with non-typical sexual proclivities. Among them is Hiroki as a tough Yokohoma detective who fears his 10-year-old son is becoming a shut-in, preferring online video stardom to normal human interaction. Meanwhile, in Hiroshima, Natsuki, a shop assistant, finds herself rebelling against the enforced norm of getting married and having children. Her one pleasure is sitting alone in her room watching videos about a certain obsession. Sympathetic, nuanced and beautifully acted, (Ab)normal Desire is challenging without resorting to titillation and is widely regarded as one of the best Japanese films of the year.
©2021 Asai Ryo/Shinchosha @2023 (Ab)normal Desire Committee
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