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Due to the weather conditions, Chado, Aikido Children, Iaido, Jodo, Kendo, and Naginata classes are cancelled  (Sun. Feb 16).


Sedai: Oral History Catalogue

The Japanese Canadian Legacy Project

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Title Accession number Period Language Event Location Topic
Interview with Teruo “Ted” and Joyce Izukawa 2010.068 Pre War, World War II, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s English Redress, World War II, Relocation, Forced Removal, Attack on Pearl Harbour, Internment Vancouver, BC, Powell Street, Vancouver, BC, Mission, BC, Fraser Valley, BC, New Westminster, BC, Alberta, Canada, Ontario, Canada, Chatham, ON, USA, Toronto, ON, Japan Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR), Japan town, education, career, church, Buddhism, beet fields, Japanese language school, marriage, transportation, curfew, displacement, discrimination, living conditions, teaching, Asahi Baseball Team, children, Nikkei Voice newspaper, National Association of Japanese Canadian (NAJC), Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre (JCCC), festivals, odori
Interview with Byron Tanaka 2011.040 Pre War, Post War, World War II, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s English Redress, World War II, Relocation, Forced Removal, Attack on Pearl Harbour, Internment Cumberland, BC, Japan, New Westminster, BC, Angler, ON, Toronto, ON, Kaslo, BC education, family, Asahi Baseball Team, boat works, military, children, religion, clothing, marriage, Jewish community, housing, The Great Depression, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), discrimination, employment, sports, United Church, fishing, travel, housing, marriage, British Columbia Security Commission
Interview with Eleanor Maruno (nee Tsuchiya) 2011.159 Pre War, Post War English Redress Vancouver, BC, USA, Revelstoke, BC, Japan immigration, Asahi Baseball Team, marriage, family, fishing, employment, health, housing, transportation, canneries, food, Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR), farming, food, travel, curfew, music, military, Buddhism, religion, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), sports, bathhouse, clothing, odori, children
Interview with Frank Moritsugu 2010.029 Pre War, Post War, World War II, 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s English Redress, World War II, Relocation, Internment Port Alice, BC, Vancouver, BC, Kitsilano, BC, Powell Street, Vancouver, BC, Yard Creek, BC, Okanagan, BC, Hastings Park, Vancouver, Slocan City, BC, Tashme, BC, Kaslo, BC, Toronto, ON, Hamilton, ON, Japan, Manitoba, Canada, Montreal, QC, Ontario, Canada, Ottawa, ON, USA, Steveston, BC family, nisei, church, agriculture, travel, children, Anglicanism, police, mining, employment, sansei, issei, photography, men-only work camps, military, self-supporting camps, baseball, gardening, community, fishing, commerce, internment camps, bathhouse, social activity, children, temple, food, ghost towns, dance, martial arts, sports, Asahi Baseball Team, career, education, employment, issei, Japan, living in Japan, newspaper, Nikkei Voice newspaper, radio, sansei, teaching, work, military, discrimination, Prisoner of War (POW), Christianity, internment camp, yonsei, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), deportation, festivals, language, detention camps, religion, Momiji, Nikkei Voice newspaper
Interview with Frank Tadao Shimada 2011.217 Pre War, Post War, World War II, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s English Redress, World War II, Relocation, Forced Removal, Attack on Pearl Harbour, Internment Christina Lake, BC, Toronto, ON, Vancouver, BC, New Denver, BC, Powell Street, Vancouver, BC discrimination, family, music, radio, travel, education, sports, clothing, gardening, volunteer, transportation, Asahi Baseball Team, language, Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre (JCCC), employment, marriage, music, propaganda, children, church, Prisoner of War (POW), self-supporting camps, censorship, small business, food
Interview with Fumi Kono 2011.237 Pre War, Post War, World War II, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s English Redress, World War II, Relocation, Forced Removal, Attack on Pearl Harbour, Internment Hiroshima, Japan, Japan, USA, Vancouver, BC, Kitsilano, BC, Fraser Valley, BC, East Lillooet, BC, Hamilton, ON, Ottawa, ON, Toronto, ON children, immigration, United Church, education, discrimination, social activity, Japanese language school, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), Prisoner of War (POW), road camps, communities, small business, newspaper, community, Asahi Baseball Team, travel, Buddhism, bathhouse, music, employment, photography, teaching, censorship, Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre (JCCC), social life, career, odori, nuns/sisters
Interview with Hamilton Baseball Team 2010.052 Post War, 1940s, 1950s English Hamilton, ON nisei, Asahi Baseball Team, baseball
Interview with Harold Miwa 2011.279 English Vancouver, BC, Japan, New Denver, BC, Kaslo, BC, Hastings Park, Vancouver, Tashme, BC, Hope, BC, Hamilton, ON, Toronto, ON, Neys, ON small business, agriculture, education, issei, living in Japan, food, career, work, teaching, employment, living conditions, health, logging, internment camp, dance, music, community, recreation, martial arts, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), baseball, children, curfew, police, Asahi Baseball Team, language, fishing, volunteer, immigration, enemy alien, housing, family, Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre (JCCC), United Church, Buddhism
Interview with Henry Shimizu 2010.026 World War II, 1940s, 1950s English World War II, Forced Removal, Internment New Denver, BC, Alberta, Canada, Slocan City, BC, Prince Rupert, BC, Kaslo, BC, Popoff, BC, Bay Farm, BC, Lemon Creek, BC, Sandon, BC, Greenwood, BC displacement, baseball, social activity, United Church, education, internment camps, Asahi Baseball Team, recreation, bathhouse, enemy alien, gardening, sports, British Columbia Security Commission, religion, Buddhism, food, odori, fishing, housing, living conditions, logging, nuns/sisters, radio, detention camps
Interview with Hideo Takahashi 2010.076 Pre War, World War II English Attack on Pearl Harbour, Internment Britannia Beach, Squamish, BC, Vancouver, BC, Petawawa, ON, Toronto, ON, Winnipeg, MB, Angler, ON, Port Credit, Mississauga, ON housing, immigration, mining, employment, language, family, Prisoner of War (POW), education, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), military, music, ghost towns, Asahi Baseball Team, language, discrimination, martial arts
Interview with Joe Ohori 2011.258 Pre War, Post War, World War II, 1920s, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s English World War II, Relocation, Forced Removal, Atomic Bomb, Attack on Pearl Harbour, Internment Hiroshima, Japan, Japan, Powell Street, Vancouver, BC, Vancouver, BC, Tashme, BC, Toronto, ON, Ottawa, ON family, employment, children, Japanese language school, community, travel, education, Kika (Nikkei educated in Japan), religion, military, festivals, United Church, discrimination, Asahi Baseball Team, Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre (JCCC), issei
Interview with Kunio Suyama 2011.235 Pre War, Post War, World War II English Redress, World War II, Attack on Pearl Harbour, Internment Vancouver Island, BC, Japan, Hastings Park, Vancouver, Lemon Creek, BC, Toronto, ON, Angler, ON farming, mining, logging, immigration, education, marriage, food, children, social activity, baseball, Japanese language school, community, housing, living conditions, internment camp, Asahi Baseball Team, bathhouse, newspaper, relocation centres, military, language, employment, work, Buddhism, temple, Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre (JCCC), festivals, martial arts, Kika (Nikkei educated in Japan), Japan town, community
Interview with Laiko Matsubayashi (nee Miyake) 2010.049 World War II, 1910s, 1920s, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s English Redress, World War II, Relocation, Internment Vancouver, BC, Slocan City, BC, Toronto, ON, USA, Japan, Hastings Park, Vancouver, Powell Street, Vancouver, BC family, discrimination, living conditions, children, education, Japanese language school, dance, United Church, travel, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre (JCCC), bathhouse, nuns/sisters, sports, housing, photography, detention camps, agriculture, church, Buddhism, employment, career, social activity, education, discrimination, relocation centres, health, British Columbia Security Commission, Asahi Baseball Team, clothing, small business
Interview with Mary Setsuko Katsuno (nee Ishii) 2011.153 Pre War, Post War English Redress, Attack on Pearl Harbour, Internment Japan, Vancouver, BC, Victoria, BC, Popoff, BC, Montreal, QC, Powell Street, Vancouver, BC, USA, Toronto, ON, Slocan City, BC, New Denver, BC family, children, immigration, newspaper, United Church, transportation, odori, church, Buddhism, employment, food, marriage, language, discrimination, education, The Great Depression, religion, farming, Christianity, odori, language, education, The Great Depression, Asahi Baseball Team, teaching, volunteer, health, military, food, sports, bathhouse, radio, music, photography, transportation, housing, church, sports, language, travel, clothing
Interview with Patricia "Pat" Adachi (nee Kawashiri) (April 14, 2011) 2011.349 Pre War, Post War English World War II, Attack on Pearl Harbour Powell Street, Vancouver, BC, Hastings Park, Vancouver, Vancouver, BC, Popoff, BC, Japan, Kitsilano, BC family, immigration, education, work, employment, agriculture, Anglicanism, Christianity, church, nuns/sisters, religion, Shinto, dance, housing, small business, sports, baseball, language, Japanese language school, food, community, bathhouse, Asahi Baseball Team, social activity, marriage, Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre (JCCC), issei, teaching, education
Interview with Patricia "Pat" Adachi (nee Kawashiri) (October 21, 2004) 2010.005 Pre War, Post War, World War II English World War II, Relocation, Forced Removal Powell Street, Vancouver, BC, Mayne Island, BC, Popoff, BC, Slocan City, BC, Bay Farm, BC, Nanaimo, BC, New Denver, BC, Wynford, Vancouver, BC family, employment, education, community, baseball, Anglicanism, marriage, teaching, Asahi Baseball Team, children, discrimination, Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre (JCCC)
Interview with Rose Kutsukake (nee Taipei) 2010.003 Pre War, Post War, World War II English World War II, Relocation, Forced Removal, Internment Powell Street, Vancouver, BC, Vancouver, BC, Slocan City, BC, Toronto, ON marriage, Asahi Baseball Team, work, housing
Interview with Roy Matsui 2010.047 Pre War, Post War, World War II English Redress, World War II, Relocation, Attack on Pearl Harbour, Internment USA, Vancouver, BC, Japan, Marpole, BC, Sandon, BC, Montreal, QC, New Denver, BC, Ottawa, ON, Etobicoke, ON, Lemon Creek, BC, Angler, ON, Toronto, ON immigration, marriage, employment, family, travel, education, mining, relocation centres, ghost towns, Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre (JCCC), nisei, community, Prisoner of War (POW), career, housing, internment camps, police, photography, discrimination, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), military, British Columbia Security Commission, curfew, mining, language, social activity, living conditions, music, boat works, language, sports, Asahi Baseball Team, radio, health, food, Momiji, transportation, language, religion, Buddhism, Anglicanism
Interview with Shoji Takahashi 2010.033 World War II English Redress, World War II, Attack on Pearl Harbour, Internment Vancouver, BC, Japan, Bridge River, BC, Angler, ON, Toronto, ON, Powell Street, Vancouver, BC, Winnipeg, MB, Montreal, QC, Manitoba, Canada, Ukraine, New Denver, BC, Kelowna, BC, Slocan City, BC immigration, transportation, discrimination, education, family, road camps, self-supporting camps, Prisoner of War (POW), family, ghost towns, health, food, children, Japan town, Japanese language school, Buddhism, festivals, children, internment camps, police, photography, Asahi Baseball Team, logging, travel, Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre (JCCC), volunteer, language, dance, religion, church, farming, agriculture
Interview with Sue Kai (nee Matsugu) 2010.021 Pre War, Post War, World War II, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, 2000s English World War II, Relocation, Forced Removal, Attack on Pearl Harbour, Internment Vancouver, BC, Kaslo, BC, Chatham, ON, Toronto, ON Asahi Baseball Team, family, food, housing, newspaper, dance, nisei, internment camp, church, volunteer, Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre (JCCC), community
Interview with Tak and Pollie Nishino (nee Onishi) 2011.010 Pre War, Post War, World War II English Redress, Attack on Pearl Harbour, Internment Victoria, BC, Japan, Sandon, BC, Bay Farm, BC, Toronto, ON, Hastings Park, Vancouver, Lemon Creek, BC, Angler, ON, Hamilton, ON, Petawawa, ON, Schreiber, ON family, Asahi Baseball Team, travel, radio, music, road camps, military, ghost towns, clothing, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), odori, health, children, censorship, housing, bathhouse, sports, employment, marriage, religion, Buddhism, volunteer, Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre (JCCC), language, education, British Columbia Security Commission, food, Prisoner of War (POW)
Interview with Tosh Uyeda 2010.040 World War II English Redress, World War II Vancouver, BC, Powell Street, Vancouver, BC, Hastings Park, Vancouver, Japan, Slocan City, BC, Lemon Creek, BC, Popoff, BC, Toronto, ON, New Denver, BC, Kitsilano, BC education, transportation, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), Buddhism, Japanese language school, family, Asahi Baseball Team, food, housing, living conditions, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), work, employment, festivals, children, travel, health, sports, language, Chinatown, marriage, gardening, church, dance, teaching, Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre (JCCC), Japan town
Interview with Tsutomu "Stony" Nakano 2010.057 World War II, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, 1970s English Relocation, Forced Removal, Attack on Pearl Harbour Alberta, Canada, Britannia Beach, Squamish, BC, Chatham, ON, Fraser Valley, BC, Griffin Lake, BC, Hamilton, ON, Hastings Park, Vancouver, Hope, BC, Lethbridge, AB, London, ON, Maple Ridge, BC, Mission, BC, Montreal, QC, New Denver, BC, Ontario, Canada, Revelstoke, BC, Ruskin, BC, Tashme, BC, Three Valley, BC, Toronto, ON, Vancouver, BC agriculture, Asahi Baseball Team, baseball, bathhouse, beet fields, Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR), employment, enemy alien, family, farming, gardening, logging, men-only work camps, Nikkei Voice newspaper, recreation, road camps, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), travel, work
Interview with Yukio Ode 2010.048 Pre War, World War II English World War II Japan, Griffin Lake, BC, Popoff, BC, Slocan City, BC, Yard Creek, BC, New Denver, BC, Toronto, ON, Japan, Kelowna, BC, Powell Street, Vancouver, BC family, farming, travel, nisei, education, Japanese language school, road camps, issei, agriculture, employment, living conditions, military, Asahi Baseball Team, social activity, church, health, Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre (JCCC), sports, community