Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre’s JCCC Foundation Directs $1.5 Million to Support Children
Affected by the 3.11 Earthquake/Tsunami/Nuclear Disaster


It is a day we will never forget.

On March 11, 2011, Japan experienced the strongest earthquake in its recorded history. The 9.0 magnitude earthquake occurred 30km below the North Pacific Ocean floor, with the epicentre 130 kilometers (81 miles) east of Sendai, the largest city in the Tohoku region.

The Tohoku earthquake zone of 300km long and 150km wide thrust 33 feet upward from the ocean floor causing a tsunami producing waves up to 40 meters (132 feet) high.

The tsunami also severely crippled the infrastructure of the country. In addition to the thousands of destroyed homes, businesses, roads, and railways, the tsunami caused the meltdown of three nuclear reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. The Fukushima nuclear disaster released toxic, radioactive materials into the environment and forced thousands of people to evacuate their homes and businesses.

More than 450,000 people became homeless as a result of the tsunami. The combined total of confirmed deaths and missing is more than 22,000 with nearly 20,000 deaths and 2,500 missing.

Three days later on March 14th, the JCCC donated $100,000 to the Japanese Red Cross Relief effort and formed the Japanese Earthquake Relief Fund (JERF). The JCCC Foundation Japanese Earthquake Relief Fund went on to collect $1.5 million from the GTA community.

To ensure the maximum impact, JERF focused on three distinctive elements.

  1. JCCC Foundation through JERF donated $100,000 to each of three prefectural governments in the Tohoku Region (Iwate, Miyagi, Fukushima) to assist the educational needs of affected children.
  2. JCCC Foundation through JERF donated $15,000 to the Canadian Embassy in Tokyo to support their ‘Hope for Youth’ program, a program set up to enable affected Japanese students to come to Canada to study for a period of up to 6 months to enhance language and cultural skills.
  3. JERF funded multiyear post-secondary scholarships to families in the Tohoku Region to attend one of three local Prefectural Universities supporting students impacted by the tragedy in order that they can complete their university education. Each prefectural university administered the scholarship program for the JCCC Foundation.

The students attend Iwate Prefectural University, Tohoku University and Fukushima Medical University.

So far over 130 scholarships have been granted with 38 of those going to medical students in Fukushima Medical School which houses departments of Radiation Oncology, Radiation Disaster Medicine, and Radiation Health Management.

The JCCC Foundation’s Japan Earthquake Relief Fund remains committed to continuing to support those who have suffered through future scholarships and other initiatives.

The JCCC Foundation appreciates those over 4000 wonderful donors (individuals and organizations) that ran fundraising events and made personal pledges.

Together with the Canadian Embassy in Tokyo we had planned to invite all of the students supported so far by JERF for a celebration of their accomplishments at the Embassy. The event will be rescheduled in 2022 as a result of the pandemic.

The JCCC’s motto is Friendship through Culture. We look forward to meeting the many new friends we have created through JERF and wish them the best for happy and prosperous lives.


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  1. 1)JCCC基金はJERFを通して、被災した子供/学生支援の為に、東北三県(岩手、宮城、福島)のそれぞれの自治体に10万ドルを寄付しました。
  2. JCCC基金はJERFを通して、東京のカナダ大使館が立ち上げた学生支援の「HOPE FOR YOUTH:ホープ・プロジェクト」に1万5千ドルを寄付しました。この支援プロジェクトは、被災した子供達のカナダでの語学研修を最長6か月まで援助するものです。
  3. JERFは、被災が原因で大学を中断せざるを得ない、また進学が困難となった学生支援の為に、三県の県立大学各々がJCCC基金用に設計した奨学金制度に基金を提供しました。





