Third Places: Japanese Canadian Sites of Gathering
Third Places are places that aren’t home and aren’t work, where people gather and find community.
For Japanese Canadians of all generations, creating third places in Toronto has been a powerful way to make space after being displaced. The exhibit considers the importance of such places for Japanese Canadians over the past 70 years and the future of Japanese Canadian community spaces.
Featuring a large, hand-illustrated map, interactive panels, and audiovisual components, Third Places shares stories of 12 significant Japanese Canadian gathering places in Toronto. The exhibit reflects the diversity of the community and encourages visitors to think about their own experience of place and community.
Join us for the exhibit launch on April 20th at 2PM!
Exhibit Acknowledgments:
Curatorial team: Vidhya Elango, Theressa Takasaki
Map Designer: Alysha Dawn Puopolo
Graphic Designer: Sarah Doi
Research Assistants: Kei Nakatsu, Sakura Ariga, Anzu Hara
Research Support: Yves Chang, Abigail Brown
Advisors: Sandy Chan, Anzu Hara, Su Yen Chong, Karen Webb, Jan Nobuto
Thanks very much to all focus group and interview participants and leaders of community organizations whose voices and perspectives helped form this exhibit.