Sedai: Oral History Catalogue
The Japanese Canadian Legacy Project
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Title | Accession number | Period | Language | Event | Location | Topic |
Interview with Tatsuo and Kimiyo 'Kim' Sakauye (nee Yamamoto) | 2011.042 | Pre War, Post War, World War II, 1950s, 1960s | English | Redress, World War II, Relocation, Forced Removal, Internment | Victoria, BC, Tofino, BC, Japan, Montreal, QC, Hastings Park, Vancouver, Tashme, BC, Schreiber, ON, Slocan City, BC | education, language, discrimination, United Church, employment, family, marriage, immigration, fishing, food, boat works, travel, Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre (JCCC), volunteer, housing, language, sports, children, road camps, dance |