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Sedai: Oral History Catalogue

The Japanese Canadian Legacy Project

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Title Accession number Period Language Event Location Topic
Interview with Frank Tadao Shimada 2011.217 Pre War, Post War, World War II, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s English Redress, World War II, Relocation, Forced Removal, Attack on Pearl Harbour, Internment Christina Lake, BC, Toronto, ON, Vancouver, BC, New Denver, BC, Powell Street, Vancouver, BC discrimination, family, music, radio, travel, education, sports, clothing, gardening, volunteer, transportation, Asahi Baseball Team, language, Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre (JCCC), employment, marriage, music, propaganda, children, church, Prisoner of War (POW), self-supporting camps, censorship, small business, food
Interview with Harold Takayesu 2010.058 Pre War, Post War, World War II, 1970s, 1980s English Redress, World War II, Relocation, Forced Removal, Attack on Pearl Harbour Vancouver, BC, Slocan City, BC, Hamilton, ON, Schreiber, ON, Bay Farm, BC education, military, British Columbia Security Commission, internment camp, education, family, employment, National Association of Japanese Canadian (NAJC), War Measures Act, Prisoner of War (POW), road camps, issei, nisei, housing, discrimination, community, bathhouse, propaganda
Interview with Jean Nagata (nee Nobuko) 2010.031 Pre War, Post War, World War II, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s English, Japanese World War II Alberta, Canada, Vancouver, BC, Japan, Toronto, ON, Kitsilano, BC, Shaughnessy Heights, BC, Vancouver, BC family, travel, education, church, food, gardening, agriculture, fishing, festivals, temple, living conditions, music, discrimination, bathhouse, Buddhism, family, immigration, Japan, living in Japan, propaganda, social life, travel, United Church, work