JCCC COVID-19 UPDATE as at October 5, 2020

JCCC COVID-19 UPDATE as at October 5, 2020 (日本語以下)

In the October Newsletter we announced our plan for a selective reopening of the JCCC in mid-October. However, with the rise in COVID cases and tightening of restrictions over the past week we feel the most responsible action is to put the reopening on pause until circumstances begin again to improve. We feel we cannot put our enthusiasm to welcome you back ahead of the health and safety of the community and our many friends.

When the time is right, the JCCC is ready. We have made modifications to our facility to enhance ventilation and minimize contact. We will have a broad spectrum of cultural offerings ready to welcome you back: classes, seminars, film screenings and heritage events. At the same time we continue to expand our online presence through online classes, heritage content and the Virtual Toronto Japanese Film Festival.

We are most excited about the completion of the new permanent exhibition in the Moriyama Nikkei Heritage Centre. With the generous support of Raymond Moriyama, our new exhibit, titled MARU: IMMIGRATION STORIES, examines the experiences of the Nikkei diaspora in the Americas from the late 1800s to today, with future plans to explore more stories internationally. In partnership with Nikkei organizations across the North America, South America, and Japan, the exhibition will not only be diverse in its content, it also invites visitors to be individually engaged through their own experiences. The exhibit opens in late November and we look forward to offering tours as one of our first reopening activities.

Please keep an eye on our social media, our monthly online newsletters, our website and your in-box for reopening announcements. Stay well, be safe and see you very soon.



森山日系ヘリテージセンター内には新たな常設展が設営されました。 “MARU: IMMIGRATION STORIES、丸:移住の物語”と名付けられたこの展示は、レイモンド・森山氏の寛大なご支援によるもので、1800年代から現在に至るまでの北米における日系人拡散を検証したもので、将来的には範囲を広げて世界的に検証していきたいと考えています。また北米、南米そして日本にある日系関係機関と連携し、内容の多様性を充実させ、訪問者ひとりひとりが自分の経験に呼応させて楽しめるような展示を目指します。この常設展のオープンは今のところ11月下旬を予定しています。会館再開の最初のイベントとして皆様をご案内できますよう願っております。


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